Apply for Certificate Courses

Apply for Certificate Courses

The Caregivers Training Grant is a $200 annual subsidy provided for the caregivers of each eligible care recipient to attend approved training courses to better care for their loved ones. Participants must pay at least $10 after registering. Most Workshops have been approved for Caregivers Training Grant until 31 March 2022. Caregivers may download the Caregivers Training Grant application form via this link.

Please be informed that you would need to make advance payment for the certificate courses or workshops that you are signing up for. Please choose your method of submission:

Register in person

Please click to download the hardcopy application form and submit it to DAS Academy or any DAS Learning Centres. Hardcopy forms must be submitted 2 weeks before the commencement of the workshop or certificate course. If the workshop or certificate course is commencing in less than 2 weeks, please register online.

* Caregivers Training Grant (CTG) is applicable for DAS workshops only, subject to the care recipient’s eligibility and availability of funds in the CTG account and a co-payment of $10. For more information regarding the CTG administered through the Agency for Integrated Care (AIC), please visit the Agency of Integrated Care.