Customised Training for Schools and Organisations

In line with Singapore’s vision of an inclusive society, DAS Academy provides professional development training for educators to better their awareness and support of students with special educational needs (SEN) in mainstream classrooms. Having provided in-service SEN training for SEN Officers since 2005, DAS Academy advocates contextualised and practical strategies for mainstream educators to adopt. 

At the DAS Academy, we believe that if you get things right for learners with SEN, you will get things right for every learner. The effort taken to make instruction accessible to learners with SEN will always improve learning for all learners in the mainstream classroom.

Recognising that the individual needs of each school are unique, our lecturers are able to discuss your training needs before advising on a professional training programme that takes into account the needs and profile of your school’s staff and students.


Customisable to your school’s needs

Schools can specify the subjects that they will like a special focus on. We also welcome your input with regards to areas your teachers find especially challenging to manage and we do our best to address these areas in our training.

Typical training package is available for 40 teachers for 2 training hours, with the option of online (zoom) or face-to-face training. Training delivered by two lecturers with significant experience in SEN and keen awareness of the mainstream context. 

The SEN-Friendly Index for Educators

Take this quiz to find out how friendly your school is towards students with Special Educational Needs. A well-designed learning environment improves engagement in lessons and helps to improve each child’s self-esteem and learning.

As a mainstream educator, you may find yourself managing a variety of learning needs. Children are unique and will all learn in different ways. Creating an inclusive classroom can help students of any ability thrive and feel included. Your responses below can help you understand how inclusive your school is towards students with SEN.

School Environment

1. The stall vendors use clear fonts and pictures in their food menu 
2. There are clear signages for the main venues in my school (e.g., general office, canteen, toilets, school hall) 
3. The school building is able to fit every person’s accessibility needs 
4. The school bell duration should be kept to a minimum and the volume moderated 
5. Dedicated sensory rooms for students needing sensory regulation or a break 

School Policies

6. My school organises regular SEN awareness training for the staff 
7. There is a dedicated team that supports student development and SEN support matters in my school 
8. There are regularly scheduled periods to discuss SEN support matters during staff meetings 
9. My school provides access arrangements during bite-sized tests and end-of-year examinations 
10. My school is supportive of accommodations that help students focus better (e.g., high tables, kick bands, disc-o-seats) 
11. The SEN officer and their role in the school are introduced to all new teaching staff during new staff induction day 
12. The SEN officers or Teachers trained in Special Needs (TSN) help new students with SEN settle in and navigate the school environment 
13. For students with SEN, Parent-Teacher conferences include SEN personnel to discuss student progress, additional needs, and accommodations 

Classroom Environment

14. Classroom has a dedicated space for the student to withdraw if they become overwhelmed (e.g., a corner with cushions or toys) 
15. Classroom walls are calming and do not have overwhelming displays that can be distracting 
16. Students with SEN are seated away from distractions (e.g., away from doors, corridors, fans, or harsh lighting) 
17. There is a system to help students remember old/even weeks and which timetable to follow 
18. Teachers regularly incorporate at least two modalities when providing instructions (e.g., visual and verbal) 
19. Teachers supplement formal curriculum terms with student-friendly explanations (e.g., regroup, place value) 
20. Teachers provide a safe environment for students to ask questions 
21. There is an allocated corner for important information on the whiteboard left long enough for students to copy 
22. Slides and worksheets are not cluttered and use sans serif font of at least size 12 
23. Worksheets are printed so students do not need to flip from front to back to write answers 

General Indication

Score RangeIndication
18–23Learners with SEN in your school are well supported to maximise their potential
13–17Learners with SEN in your school are generally supported but may benefit from more support
0–12Learners with SEN in your school will benefit from more support

Lecturers with rich practical experience

Our lecturers have a wealth of dyslexia teaching experiences under their belts. They are able to apply their accumulated knowledge and experience to your context, empowering you to resolve your day-to-day challenges in a school with learners with diverse needs.

Enquiry form