- What is the difference between the 30-credit and 60-credit Dissertation?
The Master of Arts in Special Educational Needs/Additional Learning Needs (MA SEN/ALN) is a 180-credit programme which includes either the 30-credit Dissertation or the 60-credit Dissertation.
The 30-credit Dissertation is a desktop-based dissertation with a 7,500 word count. Students who opt to do the 30-credit Dissertation have to complete ALL 5 taught modules.
The 60-credit Dissertation is a research-based dissertation with a 15,000 word count. Students who opt to do the 60-credit Dissertation only need to complete 4 taught modules, including Research Methodology.
- Are the classes taught by lecturers from the University of South Wales?
The following modules are co-delivered by lecturers from the University of South Wales:
- SEN/ALN: Contexts and Concepts
- Dyslexia: Theory and Assessment
- Managing and Supporting CAMH and SEBD
- Research Methodology
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, lectures are delivered via a dual-mode format. Hence, the lecturers from the University of South Wales conduct their sessions via Zoom.
- What is the difference between the Postgraduate Diploma and the Specialist Diploma?
A Postgraduate Diploma is a postgraduate qualification usually awarded after a university degree (or via the alternative entry route – insert link). The Postgraduate Diploma offered at the DAS Academy is a subset of the Master of Arts in Special Educational Needs/Additional Learning Needs (MA SEN/ALN) and is conferred by the University of South Wales. While the full MA SEN/ALN is made up of 180 credits, the Postgraduate Diploma in SEN/ALN is made up of 120 credits.
The Specialist Diploma in Learning Support for Specific Learning Differences (SpLD) is designed and awarded by the DAS Academy and provides individuals with opportunities to deepen their theoretical and practical knowledge, and to develop specialisations in the area of SpLD. For the award of the Specialist Diploma in Learning Support for Specific Learning Differences, participants have to successfully complete seven modules. There are no credits tagged to each module.
- Can I join the programme if I do not have a basic degree?
Yes, if you have three to five years of relevant working experience.