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Supporting your child in Problem Solving using Heuristics


What is Heuristics? How is it used in Problem-Solving

Heuristics are simple problem-solving strategies that can be applied to Math questions. These are often tried-and-tested strategies that many Mathematicians before our time had invented to solve new Math problems that they encountered. As Singapore’s Math curriculum framework focuses on problem solving, it is then important for us to equip learners with relevant strategies to do so.

These are some common heuristics used at Primary Level;

To give a representation To go through a process To make a calculated guess
Draw a diagram Act it out Guess and Check
Use equations Work backwards Make suppositions
Make a list Before-and-after Look for patterns

Making supposition can be quite a challenging question if students are not able to understand estimates. Below is one way to guide learners;

Alan paid $184 for 48 pens and markers. A pen cost $3 and a marker cost $1 more than a pen. Find the number of pens he bought.

Step 1

Always assume the OPPOSITE

Step 2

Find the BIG GAP (Difference between actual and reality)

Step 3

Find the SMALL GAP (Difference between prices of each item)

Step 4



Assume that all are markers

Total cost